Air Cleaners

There are many types of air cleaners (also referred to as air purifiers or ionizers) on the market today. Air Cleaners make your air as clean as possible by removing particulates from your air, allowing you to breathe healthier air — important to those with allergies and asthma and for those who want the cleanest air possible for themselves and their family. Having an Air Cleaner installed by your heating and cooling contractor, can help rid your home of dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses, smoke and more!

Air Facts

Each person inhales over 3,500 gallons of air each day. Children inhale more particles for their size than adolescents or adults. Polluted air causes 94% of all respiratory problems. More than 31 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma, about 1/3 are children under 18. About 40,000 dust mites, a common household allergen, can live in one ounce of dust. An estimated 10-15% of the entire population may be allergic to cat or dog dander. A person sheds up to 700,000 skin flakes per day.

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Media Air Cleaners
Media Air Cleaners

Media Air Cleaners

Air Cleaner

The Clean Comfort CleanFit series of MERV 13 media air cleaners are intuitively designed with outer dimensions that match original equipment furnace and air handler cabinets.

HEPA Air Cleaners
HEPA Air Cleaners

HEPA Air Cleaners

Air Cleaner

The Clean Comfort® CC-HEPAUV Return Duct or Return Remote Collar Mount system has dual UVC germicidal lights with three stages of filtration, a ventilator, a speed selection switch, and a cabinet enclosure system. After passing through the dual UVC germicidal lights, the ventilator pulls air through the pre-filter and then through the impregnated carbon pad for odor control. Finally, the last stage of filtration is the HEPA filter, which removes 99.97% of particles 0.3um in size that pass through the filter*.

*Independent testing performed by LMS Technologies, Inc.

Electronic Air Cleaners
Electronic Air Cleaners

Electronic Air Cleaners

Air Cleaner

The Clean Comfort® brand AE14 Series Electronic Air Cleaner is a four-stage filtration system that powerfully attracts and traps airborne particles.


New Air Cleaner Installation Start Only $99 Per Month!