Heating Systems

A heating system replaces heat that is lost through the shell of your house. How much energy your heating system requires to replace that lost heat depends on four factors: where the house is located (in colder places, the house will lose more heat); how big the house is; the energy efficiency of the house; and how energy efficient the heating system is.

You can’t do much about the first factor. All other things being equal, the bigger the house, the more energy it will take to heat it. Chances are, you’re not going to decrease the size of your house.

High Efficiency Heater

  • Furnace Repair – Smoke and banging noises coming from your furnace mean you need to call us for a repair right away.
  • Furnace Replacement – If your furnace needs repair after repair after repair, call us for a replacement.
  • Furnace Maintenance – Regular tune-ups are proven to prevent breakdowns and extend the service life of your furnace.

You may long for the old days but when it comes to heating systems, think again. Most heating systems produced today are far more efficient than those of a couple of decades ago. The high efficiency models available today could save you a lot. Call (510) 825-5079 for more info.

New Heating System Installation Start Only $99 Per Month!